Frequently Asked Questions

  • Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy is an effective method of delivering and absorbing key nutrients via your veins. Because these nutrients are given via the bloodstream bypassing the stomach (gastrointestinal system), they are 100% absorbed by the body’s cells, and can be immediately utilized.
  • Hippocrates, also known as the father of medicine, said “Let food be thy medicine.” While a diet that consists of natural whole foods is very important for optimal health and because of farming practices and availability, it is hard to get all the nutrients we need from our food supply.
  • IV vitamins and nutrients can bridge the gap and boost health and wellness.

While our therapies are safe for kids, our drip blends are designed for clients 18 years old & older. 

  • Depending on the “cocktail” you select, they can last between 40-60 minutes to infuse.
  • The difference in infusion time depends on the total fluid amount and the viscosity of the “cocktail” infusing.  
  • Your hands will be free so you can relax, listen to music, read, or do your work while you receive your IV nutrient therapy.

Preparing for your session is simple.

  • Drink 1-2 (6-8 oz) glasses of water one hour before your session.
  • Wear a short sleeve shirt or blouse. We will need to have access to the upper arms.
  • Have a comfortable place to sit and relax.

Nothing else is needed!